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Law Enforcement Chaplaincy is a ministry of presence.  So we take every opportunity to be present and show those we serve how important and appreciated their service to the community is.
DCSO Awards Banquet
The Chaplains participate at the annual DCSO Awards Banquet, with the invocation and fellowship.  Several times chaplains have received awards for participation in cases. 
Law Ride
The Blue Knights (Law Enforcement motorcycle club) participates in the Police Law Ride every year in May and the DCSO Chaplain Corps is there with (what else) donuts and coffee.  One of our chaplains is actually a member of the club and rides with them, after offering a prayer for their safe journey.

Police Memorial Service


It is the DCSO Chaplain Corps' distinct honor to participate in the Douglas County Police Memorial Service as we join with men and women of the Sheriff's Office, Omaha Police Department, Nebraska State Police, and Omaha Region of the F.B.I. to pay tribute to and celebrate the lives of those who have made the ultimate sacrafice of their lives while serving and protecting.

Annual Metro Chaplain Training
DCSO Chaplains have been blessed with a Sheriff and a department who have supported our training and readiness preparedness better than any other department in the country.  We, intern, pass that training on, and suppliment it with our own knowledge and experience, by hosting an annual training seminar here in Omaha.  In the past we have seen Chaplains come from as far away as Texas and Minnisota to participate in our training.
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